

Benefit from our Expertise, Experience, International Network and Global Services

We can help you


Companies are engines of production of economic value for their countries of origin. Internationalization embraces a higher level of risk forcing business activities to be shaped and address new challenges.


Collaboration with external partners, customers, suppliers, and other resourceful players will ensure strategies and execution plans based on strong market understanding and insights. Managerial success in an international setting requires the ability to cross-functional effective collaboration with Business, Technology, Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finance and other key stakeholders.


Internationalization brings another layer to complexity as national and cross-border external parties differ in culture, regulations, technology, infrastructure. Alignment of the internal functions and the new international environment require adaptation and enhancement in leadership, structure, understand context, skills, knowledge, and processes. A well-prepared organization will develop new firm-specific advantages and capabilities to increase its competitiveness and ultimately sustain economic development.


We get involved with clients’ simple to the most complex challenges in International Business Strategy and Management.

We offer services to Design, Execute, Control & Learn in a most effective and efficient way.


The International Strategy surges across multinational corporations, medium, and small business, in the private sector when a model for international expansion and business is the ultimate goal.

MorGroup’s team combines International Strategic Management, Business knowledge, experience and leading-edge of the academic research into practice to develop and execute customized strategies and solutions to experience sustainable growth.


MorGroup’s helps organizations around the world achieve desired results on their operational, managerial and strategic issues. We use leading-edge of the academic research into practice to develop and execute customized strategies and solutions to experience sustainable growth.


From our Core, knowledge and tools help businesses capture new growth opportunities. We address assignments for developing long-term strategies while delivering short-term operational results.



MorGroup Approach

To develop solutions for our client’s challenges we gather information about their products, customers, and process. We identify the company specific advantages, core competencies and capabilities. With the companies goals and values as guides, we build the path – strategy.






We follow an approach to effectively address the client’s challenges. We define the scope of the assignment initially; then the challenge is framed and agreed with the customer. After collecting the data, analysis is performed that leads to the creation of a solution. The deliverable takes the form of a report and presentations.


We assess the company’s current position and internal and external challenges. We investigate the reasons behind the failure modes, the implications for the company. We collect macro information on Social and Economic trends, technology state-of-the-art, global market conditions, Capital and Resources. The combination of this information with Stakeholders’ analysis and marketing insights are the support for strategy development.


For this, MorGroup collects the data through research, global providers, interviews, and the international MorGroup network. The client’s organization is involved all along in the collection, analysis, and definition of key assumptions. The Strategy includes the company long-term vision, key initiatives, technology, financial and operational requirements.


We do not focus on writing heavy reports. The goal is that the client’s organization comprehends the strategy and agrees with the underlying assumptions. So that the client can execute and achieve the desired goals.

* Strategy, Leadership, and Business

MorGroup together with the client defines its Corporate Strategy, business strategy, and Business Model. The most robust Corporate Strategy rely on your vision and bring higher economic value. The Business Strategy maximizes short and long-term goals. The Business Model satisfy, retains customers and deliver the desired profitability goals.


The global, regional and country social, economic and technology environment play a significant role in your best choices. We build your Business Strategy combining expertise, state-of-the-Art knowledge, field learning, and your team. We leverage on your team’s critical operational knowledge, country infrastructure, and network to design the optimal strategy. The selection and potential for changes in your critical resources, breakthroughs in technology, and rules and legislation determine the success of your business model.


To implement the new strategies, MorGroup will help to apply the drawn business and operational business models by acquiring or develop suitable systems and resources.


MorGroup's team combine Consulting, Functional Specialists, State-of-the-Art Knowledge, Experience in Global markets, and your team to provide high-quality services.


Human Resources Management is confronted presently with business-driven challenges and organization priorities in recruitment, retain and development of talent, leadership, and people skills. MorGroup’s services leverage research and insights to help design and execute critical programs from Human Resources.


MorGroup builds value for our clients through customized advises to corporate and investors throughout the entire M&A and divestiture deal cycle.


Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy, Business Model

• Strategy Development

• Business Modelling

• Business model optimization & Transformation


• Market Entry

• Strategic Alliances

• Joint Ventures

• Merger and Acquisition

• Transaction Modelling & Valuation Services

Change Management

Human Resources

• Organization Transformation & Talent

• Human Resources Management

• Rewards & Analytics

Strategy and Business

Innovation, Marketing

Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability

* Governance, Structure, and Operations

MorGroup works with Clients to elevate their performance, enable transformation, improve productivity and profitability.


MorGroup’s suite of international experts and industry experienced professionals provide solutions to the critical operations issues affecting your businesses.


Today’s growing complexity, uncertainty, and dynamics business leaders require internal and external metrics of the business environments to be able to make informed decisions.

From developing a strategy and business evaluating opportunities to improving finance and other operations functions, we link our client's strategy to execution with the Client’s organization collaboratively.


We excel data management, business intelligence, technology, and next-generation analytics and technologies, including big data, and cloud technology. We do this with technology partners that are in the forefront in these areas.


We take great consideration for your Customers as they are your last partner and source of revenue. Technology offers customers more choice, global reach, and a simplified purchase process to all sort of products and services.


Building and maintaining customer relationships is a continuous process that requires effort, specialized resources, and systems. Companies end competing for Customer Attention. Social media offers a venue for sharing information and reach business very quickly. The Customer is more informed, and have higher expectations.


MorGroup helps functional leaders address the most critical priorities in enabling their function as a trusted business partner to support and create value for the business.


Strategy and Customer

Big Data

Communication, Media, learning from de customer


• Risk, Control, and Transformation

• Outsourcing Evaluation and Management

• Managed Regulatory Risk



• Digital

• System Integration

• Technology Management

• Enterprise Applications



• Design & Risk Transformation


Projects can surge as a spin-off from Consulting assignments or ad-hoc requests, which can take the form of a consignment of a specialist or team aiming for specific activities, workshops or analysis.


Ad-hoc projects

Projects can surge as a spin-off from Consulting assignments or ad-hoc requests, which can take the form of a consignment of a specialist or team aiming for specific activities, workshops or analysis.


Business Bootcamp, our 2-day training international business skills.

In the Business Bootcamp, you get the most effective strategies in the area of International Business and Management, Cultural Impact, management styles, financial differences, Institutional requirements and the mindset that you as an entrepreneur need to succeed in the new economy.


Business Coaching

International Business comes with swings of opportunities and disappointments, which combined with complexity in several management areas can lead to frustration and paralysis. At these moments, companies will gain largely from a coach that gives insight, practical and reliable solutions to generate confidence and new outlooks.

Business coaching services can take the form of Consultants, Functional Expert, Personal Mentors, and Peer Advisory Groups.

Business will benefit from the power of business coaching services through expertise, experience, and leadership capabilities.


Management Games

Companies do benefit from Management Games to communicate their strategies and engage workers in rolling out and executing effectively.

You get to make the choice of a proven game from our current portfolio tailored to your company. When required we develop a new Management Games that better fits your needs.

Management Games: Strategy, Change Management, Innovation, New Processes, Culture Changes, Management Style.


Would you like to request more information or a quote for a Project? Please contact us via the contact form.


Tailored executive and managerial education with Insight and Impact. We offer customized training to maximize the learning experience and business benefit.






Develop essential skills and capabilities with foundations for Business Leadership



Tailored executive education with Insight and Impact


Today’s leaders are required to drive business in a demanding and continuous changing International setting. They have to be more prepared, challenging, innovative. Our mission is to raise and sustain those leaders throughout their careers. The International curriculum and tailor-made programs prepare leaders for real-world challenges.

* Outstanding Instructors

We design courses based on years of teaching experience and knowledge from working with leading International corporations.

* Innovative Experiences

Our teaching methods combine classroom study with Experiential Education tied directly to business results and challenges. The process of learning through reflection on doing involves hands-on activities but does not necessarily mean reflecting on their business.

* Learning that Sticks

Employees will gain knowledge, tools, and a fresh perspective that they need to excel in leadership positions.

* Global Reach

Managers and Executives from diverse backgrounds around the world leverage on peers from different companies, industries, and disciplines.

* Integrated Leadership Blueprint

We develop high potential employees and prepare leaders for real world needs as they progress in their careers and take on challenges.


Experts in the Fields of International Business and Strategic Management and Business Leaders create an ideal learning experience. The sessions are wisely combined to bring essential concepts, tools, and skills that elevate the participant capabilities to a higher stage.


The strategy is key to success and needs to be well informed, which start with a fundamentals-based knowledge of how organizations function, how markets work, and how managers make decisions.

Good decision making relies on real analysis, and effective long-term business practices root from fundamental principles.


Courses design in an International Context in the following areas:


Leadership * Management * Business Excellence

Marketing * Finance * Innovation

Technology * Human Resources


Would you like to request a quote for a Project? Please contact us via the contact form.



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